Animal Advocates Watchdog

New groups do real animal welfare while the SPCA gets the money

As a consequence of the SPCA keeping animals in jail-like conditions where disease is common and for killing too many of them (many on specious grounds of "behaviour issues"), a huge and growing body of alternative groups sprang up. We hear of new groups forming almost daily. These groups do the real animal welfare work, keeping animals out of the SPCA or getting animals that they believe are soon to be killed, out of SPCAs.

The real animal welfare network is taking a huge financial load off the BC SPCA, but it is the SPCA that is still getting most of the money.

There is a culture of silence around the SPCA. So many animal rescuers benefit by keeping on the SPCA's good side. Some of the groups are silent about all the killing and the lack of treatment at their local SPCA because the SPCA allows them to save a few cats or dogs a year. Some groups get a lot of kittens from the SPCA, so they just gossip amongst themselves about what they know. And some groups are afraid that if they criticize the SPCA, the SPCA, with its millions of dollars and big law firms, will sue them.

And some really do speak for the animals.

Messages In This Thread

Please take my pet or I'll have to take it to the SPCA!
Everyone in rescue hears this daily
There is something profoundly wrong with this in many ways
New groups do real animal welfare while the SPCA gets the money
When all that's left is an empty slogan
