Animal Advocates Watchdog

Does the SPCA have a policy of not serving meat or animal products at its meetings and fundraisers yet? *LINK*

The second-hand infliction of cruelty to animals ought to be just as unacceptable. Does the SPCA have a policy of not serving meat or animal products at its meetings and fundraisers yet?

In the words of Sea Shepherd founder Paul Watson: "Here we have an organization supposedly dedicated to prevent¬ing cruelty actually inflicting cruelty to an animal to raise money to supposedly prevent cruelty to animals. This crab boil is being held to raise money for the prevention of cruelty to animals. How ironic is that?"

AAS has asked legitimate questions of the SPCA many times without getting an answer. In fact, we have had our emails rejected. We welcome the BC SPCA to tell us what its policy is regarding serving animal products at its meetings and fundraisers.

Messages In This Thread

A Very Inconvenient Truth - the connection between eating meat and the destruction of the environment
Rafe Mair re the SPCA's crab boil: "We don’t want to face unpleasantness when it’s inconvenient" *LINK* *PIC*
Either every being on this home of ours has a right to his or her own, individual rights or none do
Driven by bad P.R. Is that why the crab boil was cancelled? *LINK*
Last year the SPCA was asked: Is the SPCA still serving meat at its fundraisers? *LINK*
Does the SPCA have a policy of not serving meat or animal products at its meetings and fundraisers yet? *LINK*
