Animal Advocates Watchdog

Either every being on this home of ours has a right to his or her own, individual rights or none do

There is not an individual on the planet that is capable, in reality, of caring about the environment and not the beings that inhabit it. In fact, the environment and the beings that inhabit it are one and the same thing. So for Paul Watson to say that he is an environmentalist and not an animal rights advocate, is for him to promote a dichotomy that is not only untenable but impossible. Either every being on this home of ours has a right to his or her own, individual rights or none do. Bottom line; end of story.

So, if you eat meat, quadrapedal, bipedal or no pedal, you are not really concerned about the survival of the planet and its beings. Even more interesting, you are not concerned about your own survival. That's the "inconvenient truth" and none other. You are committing suicide. You are committing fratricide, sororicide and planetcide. Face it!

Anthony Marr, in one of his pieces, indicates that he does not want to be a misanthrope. Facing the blindness and stupidity of humanity on a global or individual level does not make one misanthropic. It does, however, make one a realist and it certainly speaks to a truthful self-examination. If that is misanthropy, bring it on. It seems to me, however, that being unconcerned about the survival of the planet by eating our fellow beings is the real misanthropic endeavour.

Speaking the truth is a dangerous thing. Pointing out the "misanthropy" of each of us is the only viable alternative to suicide. It is to be hoped that each of us will remove the self from the practise of compassion (ensuring the welfare of all the pedals or lack thereof) and, thereby, avoid suicide altogether.

Messages In This Thread

A Very Inconvenient Truth - the connection between eating meat and the destruction of the environment
Rafe Mair re the SPCA's crab boil: "We don’t want to face unpleasantness when it’s inconvenient" *LINK* *PIC*
Either every being on this home of ours has a right to his or her own, individual rights or none do
Driven by bad P.R. Is that why the crab boil was cancelled? *LINK*
Last year the SPCA was asked: Is the SPCA still serving meat at its fundraisers? *LINK*
Does the SPCA have a policy of not serving meat or animal products at its meetings and fundraisers yet? *LINK*
