Animal Advocates Watchdog

BC SPCA CAMP head side-steps answers

Global Noon News - Tuesday, April 29, 2003
Posted on 4/30/2003 at 02:30:33 PM by k9_fe_

Global Noon News – April 29, 2003
Reporter – Ian Black

BLACK: “The CAMP Program is designed to get more animals into the community province-wide, but lots of questions are being asked about the program and the impact it could have at the Victoria shelter.

All animals at the shelter are graded in 1 of 3 zones. Green – ready to adopt, orange – in need of some behavioral training & red – dangerous to the public or other animals.

Victoria and other island shelters often bring in other animals from other areas of the province to meet demands, but the concern is that orange zone animals may be euthanized to make room for green zone animals from elsewhere.

NADINE GOURKOW: “That’s definitely not the goal of anybody in this organization”

BLACK: “But even some volunteers at the Victoria shelter aren’t convinced.”

Crystal Tomusiak (Victoria SPCA volunteer): “If I know that an animal hasn’t been properly socialized because it’s been abused or tethered, you know otherwise neglected, is in danger of being put down because it’s less likely to be socialized then I’m going to be less likely to make that call and get that animal out of that situation.”

BLACK: “The SPCA maintains their goal is to help as many animals as possible lead happy lives in the community, but inevitably some animals will be put down.”

GOURKOW: “It’s a very sad thing that there are animals born only to end up being euthanized because , just simply because they haven’t been raised properly, because they haven’t had the right care and they turned out to be so aggressive we can’t care for them.”

DR. ROGER MUGFORD: “It will produce result but give it a chance.”

BLACK: “Dr. Roger Mugford is a leading world expert on animal behaviour and he agrees that the CAMP program will ultimately be a benefit to animals.”

MUGFORD: Resources that would otherwise be put to the sterile process of just keeping animals in cages, leading miserable lives be put into education, spay/neuter prevention and improving the whole status of animals in society. That’s where the progress will be made.”


From The CAMP phase One manual:
p.40 " Orange zone animals with treatable conditions can only be kept in the shelter when the resources are not needed by green zone animals living in overcrowded shelters"

p.41 "The receiving shelter cannot refuse green zone animals living in overcrowded shelters unless the Branch Manager states that they are already full of green zone adoptable animals. Orange zone animals (on hold) that cannot be adopted by average pet guardians must be euthanized to enable equal access to resources for all adoptable animals."

p.45 " During Phase One many orange zone dogs may be euthanized because of 'not reasonably available resources' or because green zone dogs need these resources..."

COMMENT: SPCA volunteers and the public have concerns about the CAMP program, concerns that relate directly to the difference between life and death for an animal. The facts are clearly stated in the CAMP manual & in my opinion Nadine Gourkow’s statement, “That’s definitely not the goal of anybody in this organization”, is just another example of how the BCSPCA constantly side-steps issues by answering questions with vague generalized comments which signify absolutely nothing.

Messages In This Thread

SPCA Volunteers are upset over CAMP *LINK*
BC SPCA CAMP head side-steps answers
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Re: SPCA Volunteers are upset over CAMP
