Animal Advocates Watchdog

Killing rather than using offers from real rescuers *LINK*

From: Lana
Cc: ; ; ;
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 1:08 PM
Subject: Seized Okanagan Puppy Mill Dogs

To: Kim Capri
Chief Operating Officer - BC SPCA

Dear Ms. Capri:

The following is a recent direct email quote from an SPCA employee to one of our Pacific Animal Foundation (PAF) directors, on Sunday, April 27/03, regarding seizure of the Okanagan puppy mill dogs:

"It is unfortunate that those responsible for the recent Animal Advocates posting regarding the seized and surrendered dogs in the Interior did not contact the BC SPCA prior to the posting. Many of the dogs referred to are in fact in foster homes. The BC SPCA does believe in placing suitable dogs in qualified foster homes and is rapidly expanding its foster network."

It is our understanding that both Animal Advocates and Jennifer Dickson of Okanagan Animal Welfare Foundation have, in fact, contacted the BC SPCA and have been awaiting responses to their enquires regarding the rehabilitation program for these specific puppy mill dogs. In the above quote, your employee has, on the one hand, been specific in a request that AAS should contact the BC SPCA for information but again, our understanding is that the BC SPCA has not responded/will not respond to their questions. The email we received directly states that the SPCA "is rapidly expanding its foster network" but the SPCA has not contacted Jennifer Dickson who has offered her assistance in this regard. Ms. Dickson has many years of experience, both as a veterinary technician and as a rehabilitator of neglected/abused dogs. Her expertise is invaluable and we fail to understand why the BC SPCA is not availing itself of her wonderful knowledge.

Rehabilitation of neglected or abused dogs/animals is more than just "assessment". It requires the philosophy of a holistic approach to a whole change in lifestyle for the animal. It involves medical treatment, positive behaviour modification training, a secure, caring living environment, appropriate socialization, regular exercise, grooming and, most importantly, a determined commitment to the dog/animal. An assessment "tool", such as the BC SPCA's CAMP, can only be used as a PART of the holistic approach in setting up and guiding the rehabilitation and should NOT be the determining factor whether a dog lives or dies.

Notable organizations such as Alcoholics Anonymous, or other well-known community rehabilitative programs, have very defined recovery steps to their programs. AA, for example, is very open about their program and makes information available to the public about its 12-Step Program. Surely the BC SPCA has a similar protocol for a rehabilitation program for dogs/animals following the CAMP assessment. PAF and the public would like to know what the rehabilitation protocol is for these animals. Please provide us with a description of the steps of your rehabilitation program.

Pacific Animal Foundation urges the BC SPCA to provide a full range of rehabilitation services to neglected and abused animals. In our opinion, a lack of breeding controls for cats and dogs in the Province of British Columbia means that the BC SPCA will continually be flooded with unwanted animals and, because of a lack of kennel space, foster homes, experienced rehabilitators, time and/or money, it is our concern that animals that require lengthy rehabilitation will, instead, be killed. If there were fewer animals entering the SPCA system, more resources, time and energy could be directed towards a holistic rehabilitation program which should be a cornerstone of an agency charged with the protection of animals in our province.


Lana Simon, President
Valerie Barry, Director
Pacific Animal Foundation

cc: PAF Directors and Members
Animal Advocates Society
Okanagan Animal Welfare Foundation
BC SPCA -Craig Daniell, Manager of Cruelty
BC SPCA -Douglas Brimacombe, CEO

Messages In This Thread

Write the SPCA. Tell them to stop killing these dogs
A Leap of Faith...into a trap?
Letter to BC SPCA COO, Kim Capri to halt anymore euthanasias at the Kamloops SPCA
Dear Ms Capri: I hope that you will not be killing Kelly today, after only 4 days in foster care.
I didn't give the SPCA all my puppy mill invetigative material only to have the SPCA kill the dogs
Phone or email the Kamloops SPCA to stop more euthanasias of puppy mill dogs
It truly saddens me to be asking these questions
As an animal lover and having been associated with the S.P.C.A through adoptions and fostering I am deeply concerned
Kelly has won a temporary reprieve. Yay!!
Killing rather than using offers from real rescuers *LINK*
