Animal Advocates Watchdog

Dog Disposal Must be the Responsibility of Local Government

The SPCA has stated it's intention to reduce the number of animal control contracts it currently has. Citizens should use this opportunity to demand that their municipalities take over bylaw enforcement, impound, and disposal of impounded dogs. What is more, municipalities should take responsibility for disposing of all unwanted dogs in their communities, especially owner-surrendered animals.

Naturally, it would be ideal if no dogs were killed, but this is unrealistic under the present circumstances. Charitable institutions such as the SPCA rely on donations to operate. Many donors find dog killing distasteful, so charities soft-peddle the killing that they do, such as the SPCA's specious claim of "zero tolerance for the euthanasia of adoptable animals". Killing continues, but the public is allowed to wallow in ignorance of the suffering that takes place.

A municipally run dog disposal would have no financial incentive to soften the image of what happens to unwanted animals. The true cost, in money and lives, would be part of the public record. If local governments were made to take responsibility for the excess production of the lucrative puppy business, perhaps they would then also see the need to regulate the source.

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PoCo and SPCA to part over Animal Control
Dog Disposal Must be the Responsibility of Local Government
No more contracts
