Animal Advocates Watchdog

Discarding an animal should not be as easy as dropping off old clothes at the Sally Ann

Remorseless people already abandon, inhumanely kill, and abuse helpless creatures with near impunity. The SPCA should be investigating and
prosecuting these offenders, not aiding flighty consumers to dispose of yesterday's accessory. Does anyone really think that a dog discarded at
the SPCA isn't "abandoned"?

In my Camelot, there would be no unwanted pets.

In the meantime, we should work to increase the value placed on a pet's life. Regulate the puppy selling industry to reduce the financial incentive and improve the quality of life for the animals involved.

Discarding an animal should not be as easy as dropping off old clothes at the Sally Ann. If an animal really is surplus, that is, no one can
be found to care for it, then the animal's guardian should make an appointment with the vet, and be responsible for its death as they are responsible for its life.

Joann Bessler

Messages In This Thread

Not being a devil's advocate, but who should dispose of unwanted pets?
Discarding an animal should not be as easy as dropping off old clothes at the Sally Ann
The SPCA should be using its vast resources for education not extermination!
Think outside the box for animals
We have to deal with situations as they are.
Wake up people- pet abandonment is already rampant and it has NOTHING to do with SPCA surrender policies
I don't believe the SPCA's mandate originally included being a dumping spot for lazy pet owners.
