Animal Advocates Watchdog

Radio Advertisement -SPCA

Last night at about 9:35, I was listening to CKNW and heard this stupid ad around "If you love your cat....... which went on until I was nauseated and at the end of it, it said something like "If you are a dog person then you could adopt a dog from the SPCA" I was so angry that they would waste money on such a useless message. They shouldn't be spending money on radio advertising when their shelters are in such need. Also, a better message would be an educational one, ie.
Do you know how many animals we kill every month, please don't contribute to this killing so spay and neuter your pet now. If it is a financial burden, there is help out there - call us for more info. Or, do you know how many animals are kept in horrible confined, isolated and or chained conditions, we want to prevent and stop this mental and physical cuelty so please report it to our office. Your call will be kept confidential.

Where is the SPCA proactive education? I never see or hear any.

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Radio Advertisement -SPCA
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