Animal Advocates Watchdog

Doberman Rescue gets a reply from SPCA Director Kris Bowen

Mrs. Vallely,

My name is Kris Bowen and I am the Regional Director for the Upper Fraser Valley. I am writing to you from my own conscience, with no agenda or direction or even participation from the Board. I have included all the email addresses you included so as to be forthright and above board.

I cannot speak to all of the issues you have outlined in your letter because I don't have direct knowledge of much of what you speak about as of yet. I assure you that even though I am newly appointed, I am deeply interested in this ongoing issue.

I am regret that your experience has been so negative as of late and that you have lost faith in the organization. While I cant give you immediate relief I do have a suggestion.

Rather than disassociate from the SPCA right now, I encourage you to become involved. I am not speaking of money here, I don't want you to think I am soliciting donation.

My point is this....In every organization there are problems and the SPCA is no different. Right now we are struggling....but from struggle comes rebirth....I urge you to be a part of it. As an American I can honestly say it is the Canadians that lead the world in generosity of spirit and it is that quality that is evident in your email that we need to accomplish the task of righting the SPCA ship.

We need good people like you and your friends and neighbors to participate. Remember the quote....."All it takes for evil to triumph is for a good man to do nothing."

Thank you for taking the time to let us know how you feel and I hope you will be a part of the SPCA for a long time. I work with shelter animals everyday and I know the impact of volunteers like you.

Have a great day!

Kris Bowen
Upper Fraser Valley

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