Animal Advocates Watchdog

How timely - more SPCA lies about the Violence Link Project just arrived

Harbour City Star
August 14th, 2004

"Your Letters"

B.C. SPCA does have a program for pets of those who flee abusive relationships

Dear Editor:

Ms. Cook-Sturdy in her letter of August 11 illustrated very well the link between animal abuse and child and family violence.

However, as I believe Ms. Cook-Sturdy is comparatively new to BC she may not be aware that the type of program she states is "next to non-existent in North America", does in fact exist in BC.

In November 2003 as a result of liaison between the BC Veterinary Medical Association, the BC Institute against Family Violence, the BC/Yukon Society of Transition Houses and the BC SPCA, a project was launched to raise awareness of this link between family violence and animal cruelty.

Three brochures were produced for distribution - one for the public, one for animal care professionals and one for victim services workers/justice system personnel. These provide background material and information as to where help can be obtained. All have been available since early December last year from the BC SPCA Shelter in Nanaimo and have been distributed from SPCA Information booths in local malls, as well as from other participating sites. Also, the Shelter in Nanaimo has for many years worked with local Haven Houses and Transition Houses. They take in all pets which the person/family needs to have in care and board them free of charge until the family is relocated and safe.

The family is welcome to visit their pets at any time - use of the staff yard is offered so that they may visit in private. As a safeguard, only specific family members are allowed to visit and dog kennels are kept padlocked in case the abuser tried to remove the dog. At any given time there is usually at least one dog that is boarding because of family violence.

Consciousness-raising, cross-training and sharing of information between agencies who deal with both human and animal victims of violence will, it is hoped, mean that signs of abuse may be recognized early so that appropriate professionals, possibly aided by the public, can move quickly to provide protection and assistance to victims. We must all care for each other.

If anyone is abusing you or your family call VictimLINK at 1-800-563-0808. Report animal abuse to your local SPCA or the police or call Toll free 1-800-665-1868. Copies of pamphlets and further information is available from:

BC SPCA (604) 681-7271 Toll free 1-800-665-1868 Email

BC Veterinary Medical Association (604) 929-7090 Toll free 1-800-463-5399 or Email

BC Institute Against Family Violence (604)-669-7055 Toll free 1-877-755-7055 or Email

BC/Yukon Society of Transition Houses (604) 669-6943 Email

Val McWilliams

Messages In This Thread

Harbour City Star: Animal abusers nearly always end up abusing humans
Nothing is being done in BC: Unmasking the SPCA's Violence Link Project *LINK*
How timely - more SPCA lies about the Violence Link Project just arrived
Whoever Val McWillims is, she has obviously never checked her "facts" nor has she or anyone she knows, ever had to beg the SPCA for help
I submitted my name as a volunteer willing to provide foster care for pets of families fleeing violent situations. As of today,I have not received one call
Victimized women and children do not deserve to be further victimized by "spin-doctored" propaganda
Powell River SPCA fosters pets of violence victims *LINK*
