Animal Advocates Watchdog

Animal welfare, advocacy, and reform is a social movement, one that's not about to disappear

It is my belief that the BC SPCA would be wiser to spend donor dollars entrusted for the animals' benefit where it rightfully belongs, rather than endeavoring to put the kibosh on Animal Advocates Society. Doesn't somebody within that agency recognize that addressing the legitimate concerns leveled by its critics would be far more prudent? The SPCA has fallen short of demonstrating leadership in the area of ”protection and promotion of animal welfare."

This lawsuit is about a business resorting to a browbeating strategy, desperately afraid of losing more revenue and hence, power.

Preferable to continuing on a downward spiral and risking additional loss of public support, why not get back on track and truly "speak for those who cannot speak for themselves."

Animal welfare, advocacy, and reform is a social movement, one that's not about to disappear.

Carmina Gooch

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The SPCA has lost sight of its mandate, and regrettably, the animals are the big losers
Animal welfare, advocacy, and reform is a social movement, one that's not about to disappear
"The greater the power the more dangerous the abuse."
I believe that the answer to your question is "because they can"
