Animal Advocates Watchdog

North American leading dog expert says SPCA dog test gives "all the wrong readings"

DTA 4 is a "sorting tool" that is also the latest marketing tool in the billion dollar North American pet reselling and disposing industry. Professor Stanely Coren, one of North America's leading dog behaviourists, said of DTA4, "You don't get normal behaviour, you get all the wrong readings".

Messages In This Thread

The Province Sept. 19, 2004: Latest Pit Bull Biting Incident Renews Calls For Breed's Ban
SPCA Doublespeak is Going to Make the Judge Crazy: Claims Cheech Was Too Dangerous to be Allowed Out in Public, Yet it Releases a Dog Who Has Attacked a Child and a Horse *LINK*
North American leading dog expert says SPCA dog test gives "all the wrong readings"
Do as I Say, not as I Do
This Pit Bull Was A Yard Dog AND Had Puppies
This is EXACTLY the situation that feeds the SPCA's pound contracts
