Animal Advocates Watchdog

Help West Edmonton Mall dolphins

Another baby dolphin died last week inside the West Edmonton Mall and management decided to leave the body of the baby in the show tank, just like the Vancouver Aquarium did in 1995 when there were long line-ups of people outside the gate waiting to pay to go inside to see Bjossa's dead baby whale. The baby orca was left in the tank with Bjossa for 5 days. The show must go on, no matter how cruel it is.

On July 16, the Edmonton-based group Voice for Animals organized a protest/vigil for Mavis, the dolphin-mom who lost her baby. West Ed Mall goons surrounded the protestors while videotaping them and then followed them to their cars to get everyone's licence plate numbers (sound familiar?)

Please help V4A fight for the dolphins. Information can be found on the Voice for Animals website at .


Annelise Sorg <>
Coalition For No Whales in Captivity
Vancouver, Canada

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Help West Edmonton Mall dolphins
Re: Help West Edmonton Mall dolphins
Names and addresses of West Edmonton Mall
Excellent sample letter and
