Animal Advocates Watchdog

Donators should know that the SPCA does not feel the same about the dignity of animals as they do

Indignities are a concern. Animal lovers support the SPCA, and animal lovers feel the same about the dignity of animals as they do about the dignity of humans, in life and in death. That the SPCA does not feel the same about the dignity of animals as its donators do, is something that donators should know.

The callous attitude to masses of bodies one has killed, is a fair indicator of the callous attitude of the SPCA to live animals too. The proof is the way it keeps them in conditions worse than death. Once one sees these two in conjunction, one cannot pretend anymore that the SPCA is about animal welfare.

In an emergency situation, to stop the spread of deadly disease, mass burials of humans are not only required, but absolutely necessary. But the SPCA is not forced into a catastrophic situation, even though it claims it is: the SPCA has chosen to be society's pet disposer.

Even in Iraq, the mass dead are individually buried out of respect. The only mass-buriers are dictators and tyrants. Tyrants have monopolies. The heartlessness of the foot soldiers is only a reflection of the heartlessness of the leaders, and is a common thread in all tyrannies.

The SPCA has a century-long secretive monopoly. Is it any wonder that it has to be opened up and reformed?

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The only ones at the SPCA with dignity were the animals *LINK*
Donators should know that the SPCA does not feel the same about the dignity of animals as they do
