Animal Advocates Watchdog

We little rescuers are doing our dog-dangest best

Hundreds of thousands of dollars, donators money, to be used for the animals. Not for Lawyers. Time you people, SPCA, got a grip. We little rescuers are doing our dog-dangest best to help "those who cannot speak for themselves" by rescuing dogs and cats and little critters. Come on, these critters are looking and crying for help!

Messages In This Thread

Working on our legal defence... *PIC*
What is so funny is... *PIC*
What happened to the humane Vancouver SPCA directors who tried to have their executive switch to lethal injection?
What is the point of dragging this up?
An honest SPCA would not spend hundreds of thousands of dollars
We little rescuers are doing our dog-dangest best
Now, the main question I get asked is " What does the SPCA do?"
This is the kind of lie that means we still cannot trust the SPCA
