Animal Advocates Watchdog

The SPCA practices Machiavellian "triage" with the helpless animals in its "care" *LINK* *PIC*

Triage is the practice of those with the power choosing who lives and who dies. It was used in circumstances of extreme catastrophe when the number of injured far outstripped the resources to save them. There was a time when medicine was not as successful and the number of injured in war so huge, that triage was unavoidable. At one time, weapons of wars were so imprecise and medicine so rudimentary, that it was necessary to concentrate on saving only those with the greatest chance of survival.

Since the advent of more precise weaponry and amazing improvements in medicine, including antibiotics, triage in now considered immoral. Even backward countries don't practice it anymore. The whole world jumps in to try to save the life of every injured person in a catastrophe. Triage is immoral.

Anyone or any agency that decides which helpless, speechless animal in its "care" gets help and which doesn't is immoral. AAS has always applied the same standards to its rescued animals as it would to its own pets, and will not ever make a decision based on the bottom line. If we take on an animal, then we are morally required to find the money to give it all it needs.

The SPCA picks and chooses a few animals to be treated morally from the vast array of sick and injured animals it has because of pound contracts and unlimited surrender, and then tells the media.

But how frequent is the story of Bojangles repeated still? No way to find out of course, because of SPCA secrecy.

Is there not one voice at the BC SPCA that is capable of speaking for animals - not one person in charge who understands what is moral and what isn't? Even if the SPCA successfully silences AAS, it will never stop being criticized as long as it cannot or will not distinguish between animal marketing and animal welfare.

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The SPCA's "Biscuit Fund" picking and choosing who to help, who not to
The SPCA practices Machiavellian "triage" with the helpless animals in its "care" *LINK* *PIC*
The only difference I can see is that someone outside our community has full control over the decision making process AND the money
