Animal Advocates Watchdog

rehoming Topaz Creek dogs

I saw the Topaz Creek dogs on the mountain. These dogs were chained to trees and most of them were so scared. The PAWS group brought them down slowly when room was available in kennel runs they had set up. These dogs were handled, groomed, fed..... It was terrific how they dogs turned around. I have heard great stories of these dogs in their new homes. I still have one of my fosters from there. She was terrified when I got her - I named her Fawn because she was like a scared little deer. Through gentle, positive handling, she has become a new dog. She is still shy in certain situations, but just that - shy - not terrified. And I believe she will only continue to improve.

Why won't the same thing be possible with the Kelowna dogs?

Messages In This Thread

Hubcap dogs- update and clarification
The SPCA and Lapointe both profit from dog abuse
Re: The SPCA and Lapointe both profit from dog abu
rehoming Topaz Creek dogs
I too am a guardian of a Topaz Creek dog
How the SPCA can kill dogs not legally its
