Animal Advocates Watchdog

Comment; Putting the onus on children

"Summer Ebinger, whose son Ashton was viciously mauled, is determined that other families avoid the horror hers experienced because of a vicious Akita. “I started a program called Dog Awareness for Everyone and Youths (DAFEY). … I take Ripley with me – he’s our male golden retriever, and we demonstrate for children why they can’t do certain things with dogs – why they can’t put their face way down in front of a dog, … if you’re running around screaming and yelling around a dog, the dog may come up and nip you just to make you be quiet – so to respect their space.”

This is putting the onus on children to recognize the often very subtle signs of an impending attack. Many dog owners go even farther by blaming the child for "doing something to the dog". We do not say it is up to children not to be sexually abused, we do not put them in a room with guns and then blame them if they get shot. We have a duty to children to stop being obtusely influenced by breed defenders who would sacrifice the lives and bodies of our children.

Messages In This Thread

CTV W5 Feb 21/04 "Bred To Bite"
Comment: Putting the onus on dog owners
Comment; Putting the onus on children
Shelters and pounds are filled with Pit Bulls and Rotties
I blame the SPCA for not lobbying to make it harder to breed!
Comment: Passing the buck
