Animal Advocates Watchdog

Growing up in an East Vancouver neighbourhood full of yard dogs, I spent my entire childhood fearing canines *LINK*

To Ha Ly claims that his dog poses no danger to others, yet he warns that anyone coming within six feet of the big mastiff would likely be attacked. Frankly, Ly's attitude and lack of empathy for public safety concerns me.

Growing up in an East Vancouver neighbourhood full of yard dogs, I spent my entire childhood fearing canines. Although I had never been attacked, I walked home from school every day, worried that one of those vicious brutes would lunge over the fence and get me.

However, my attitude towards dogs changed one day when I unintentionally paid a visit to an off-leash park. At first, I was terrified by all the big beasts rambling by me - until I saw how playful and happy these dogs were compared to the withdrawn, rage-filled dogs I grew up around. And despite my canine phobia, I felt safe, even when surrounded by "stereotypical" tough dogs such as German Shepherds and Rottweilers.

On the other hand, most "problem" dogs have never seen the inside of their owner's home, felt the warm caress of a loving human hand or known what it's like to be taken for a walk on a regular basis. In my opinion, anyone who keeps a dog penned up all day and night and deprives it of basic social needs is guilty of cruelty, regardless of whether the animal has access to food, water and shelter.

Do owners of yard dogs believe that chaining and isolating an animal for long periods makes it more aggressive? Of course they do. That's why the dogs were obtained in the first place - as a cheap form of security that is both easily disposable and replaceable.

Unfortunately, human victims and the dogs themselves are the ones who pay the price while irresponsible owners get off with a mere slap on the wrist. Instead of simply punishing dogs for responding to the way they are treated, the city of Vancouver desperately needs to adopt legislation to deal with the real villains - problem owners.

Betty Ing

(AAS video of the mastiffs:

Messages In This Thread

Please look at our newest feature in our fight to ban chained dogs *LINK* *PIC*
Growing up in an East Vancouver neighbourhood full of yard dogs, I spent my entire childhood fearing canines *LINK*
Mayor Larry Campbell and Council's email address and a sample letter
Chained dogs living outside, isolated from interaction is cruel and painful to watch
I am a former board of director for the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies
I implore you to keep your promise to support the humane treatment of companion animals
When can we expect to see attention to this issue ?
If the city can find time to spend endless hours on issues such as Off Leash areas
As a frequent traveller through the City of Vancouver, I have the opportunity to see many animals living in squalor
We cannot tolerate a citizenry that allows their dogs to be so mistreated that they become a threat to us all
I live in East Vancouver and in my 4 block walk to the dog park there are at least 5 or 6 dogs
We were really screwed by the city of Vancouver!
