Animal Advocates Watchdog

It's not possible to separate use from abuse no matter how well-meaning animal lovers are

Although we've said this many times before, it can't be said too many times: It's not possible to use anything without a certain amount of damage, even if just wear and tear to a piece of furniture or machinery.

When the used object is alive, the abuse has more ethical consequences. Used humans are enslaved, prostituted, raped, tortured, cheated, used in research, starved, and impoverished.

Most animals used in the meat industry suffer misery on a scale of such enormity that most people will not look at as it might make them have to consider not eating meat.

Some animals used in the entertainment business, which includes zoos, are simply money-making displays and there is not enough money or political will to ensure the displayed animals live as their natures require: in herds that can wander huge, natural spaces.

Some animals used in research suffer the same tortures as humans caught in recent wars.

Many animals used as companions suffer all of the above.

It's not possible to separate use from abuse no matter how well-meaning animal lovers are. Only when we stop using animals in any way: to eat, provide food, as bees do, entertain, work, educate, and even comfort us, will the abuse stop.

Thanks to the above article, I am now striking honey off my list of foods.

Messages In This Thread

Millions of honey bees disappearing due to human use of them
It's not possible to separate use from abuse no matter how well-meaning animal lovers are
Vegans consciously strive to do no harm to any sentient life
"If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years left to live." - Albert Einstein
Cheeseless and Loving It: Going Vegan has Never Been Easier
I work with kids who are afflicted with FASD
I do not believe that not eating honey is going to save the bees
We have pillaged even the little bees for our enjoyment. Are we learning too little, too late?
Unfortunately, not eating honey may not save the bees
I agree very strongly, except for two points of logic
