Animal Advocates Watchdog

We have pillaged even the little bees for our enjoyment. Are we learning too little, too late?

Indeed, people have been eating honey for centuries - but never in the quantities we are now consuming.

Several factors contribute to the depletion of the bees themselves, and thus their honey production; these include: the continuing massive increase in the numbers of humans on the planet, compared to even 50 years ago: the prevalence of media advertising about the health benefits of honey, thereby increasing sales; the latest notion that honey is a more 'natural product' than refined sugar; bee keepers replacing the bees' pilfered honey with sugar water; and yes, pesticides also contribute to the deaths.

Given our awareness of the problems we have created, it is up to us to put a stop to each of these factors, not just to one of the causes. We humans are notorious for choosing to blame the state of our environment on one element, and turning a blind eye to all others - especially if it means we would have to give up a product that we love.

Yes, I miss my honey in my tea, but as I have recently learned from this message board that we are in danger of loosing something so important to our very existence, I have joined those who are committing themselves to living without this pleasure. If veganism can help reduce the amount of honey being consumed and sold, that is certainly one step in the right direction.

Gad, we sure are a selfish breed in general, aren't we humans? We have pillaged even the little bees for our enjoyment. Are we learning too little, too late?

Messages In This Thread

Millions of honey bees disappearing due to human use of them
It's not possible to separate use from abuse no matter how well-meaning animal lovers are
Vegans consciously strive to do no harm to any sentient life
"If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years left to live." - Albert Einstein
Cheeseless and Loving It: Going Vegan has Never Been Easier
I work with kids who are afflicted with FASD
I do not believe that not eating honey is going to save the bees
We have pillaged even the little bees for our enjoyment. Are we learning too little, too late?
Unfortunately, not eating honey may not save the bees
I agree very strongly, except for two points of logic
