Animal Advocates Watchdog

I work with kids who are afflicted with FASD

I work with kids who are afflicted with FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder). For most, this disorder sounds fairly innocuous. However, one of the chief symptoms is the inability to understand the relationship between cause and effect. Now, think about that for a while. The consequences are staggering. Our prisons are full of persons with FASD.

It would appear that there are many people who do not consider the effects or their causes in any serious way. As example, as long as I am making a buck, nothing else is of importance. It's the chief cause of the peril of the entire earth at this point. Think about that for a while.

We have our natural food tampered with all the time. There are dire consequences connected with what we eat. The simple fact that it takes roughly five pounds of vegetable protein to raise one pound of animal protein itself should give us pause: given that there are over six billion human animals on earth. Or perhaps, we are unable to see the relationship between cause and effect.

Why would we intrude into the life of the bee in any way?

Of course vegans do not eat honey!

Messages In This Thread

Millions of honey bees disappearing due to human use of them
It's not possible to separate use from abuse no matter how well-meaning animal lovers are
Vegans consciously strive to do no harm to any sentient life
"If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years left to live." - Albert Einstein
Cheeseless and Loving It: Going Vegan has Never Been Easier
I work with kids who are afflicted with FASD
I do not believe that not eating honey is going to save the bees
We have pillaged even the little bees for our enjoyment. Are we learning too little, too late?
Unfortunately, not eating honey may not save the bees
I agree very strongly, except for two points of logic
