Animal Advocates Watchdog

Roslyn Cassells's Soundoff: "The SPCA Deserves None of Our Money"

SPCA deserves none of our money
Roslyn Cassells, Special to the Sun
Published: Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The B.C. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals loves money like cats love catnip.

Right now in Vancouver, the B.C. SPCA is trying to get $15 million of taxpayers' money to build a privately owned and operated SPCA shelter.

Why on earth does the wealthiest animal group in B.C. want money to build an animal shelter, when it is closing them down all over the province?

More importantly, why does Vancouver city council want to give it the money?
The SPCA has been unceremoniously kicked out of Delta, the District of North Vancouver, Richmond, Langley, Port Moody and now Coquitlam. At a time when municipalities are recognizing the SPCA for the monster it has become, why is Vancouver going back to the Dark Ages?

NPA Coun. Kim Capri proposes that the new shelter also be used to house the Vancouver pound, currently a municipal shelter. The pound is running at 20 per cent capacity, which is more than adequate for current and future needs.

Why is council planning to spend $15 million on something we don't need?

Municipally run shelters are superior to SPCAs primarily because they are accountable to the public. The SPCA isn't even accessible through the Freedom of Information Act. Animal abuse is easier to hide at the SPCA because there is absolutely no oversight. Bloated salaries common at the SPCA would not be tolerated at a municipal shelter where the city is holding the purse strings.

Vancouver is full of animal lovers and is well known for progressive institution-building. So Vancouverites should be appalled that council would even consider partnering with the SPCA, the most regressive animal group with the highest kill rate in the province.

Even as other municipalities are giving the SPCA the boot, Vancouver is considering turning back to an era where animal welfare means a cold metal cage and a trip to the gas chamber.

Whom do you think the animals would vote for if they had the chance? Let's hope council acts with compassion and reason and votes with them.

Roslyn Cassells is a former Vancouver park board commissioner.

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