Animal Advocates Watchdog

Now that the BC SPCA has so successfully recovered a healthy financial position

Now that the BC SPCA has so successfully recovered a healthy financial position, perhaps it can release and implement the Locke Report. There are many people who would offer to assist in the implementation of the report's suggestions, but who lack the money to do it themselves.

Except for Big Heart Rescue, which made reserve animal assistance its priority and has managed to do so much amazing work out of its tiny revenue.

Messages In This Thread

Veterinary Care for South Pacific Companion Animals in Need *LINK* *PIC*
In BC, there are third world conditions for animals on every reserve in the province *LINK*
SPCA's 2003 "Locke Report" on the state of reserve animal welfare and solutions has never been released *LINK*
Now that the BC SPCA has so successfully recovered a healthy financial position
It is not 'spiritual' to spay/neuter dogs! But - it's spiritual to kill them - torture them? *LINK*
I am not convinced that indeed you are not racist
Is western society at a point where an accusation of racism is a cover-up for societal problems?
I offer the idea that donations be made to Big Heart Rescue Society *LINK*
Feb 6/08: Here is a recent example of very many AAS has, going back ten years
Feb 8/08: Litters of unwanted puppies and kittens being born in remote communities are not unique, said Marcie Moriarty of the B.C. SPCA
Kuper Island and Big Heart Rescue *LINK*
This is not racist, this is a fact: The life of their animals was extremely disturbing *LINK*
This is a site dedicated to abandoned dogs on reserves *LINK*
Please feel free to drive to a Reserve where you will witness starving and stray dogs *LINK*
