Animal Advocates Watchdog

Re: May I ask what else would you like them to do with excess horses?

The ranchers who continue to breed horses to keep the rodeos and race tracks supplied with freash new horses to abuse are to blame for all the excess horses.

Animals, like humans, should be cared for and loved untill it is their time to pass on.

Not until some arrogant human decides they are of no more use (because it can no longer bring in dollars for them) and sends them off to be killed.

If you own an animal it is your moral resposibility to care for that animal until it is their natural time to pass over.

We don't with sending our senior citizens off to some slaughter house, because we are running short of care homes to look after them.

In some parts of Africa they do eat human meat.

Messages In This Thread

Alert: Two More Slaughterhouses Killing Horses in Canada!
May I ask what else would you like them to do with excess horses?
Slaughtering animals for food in my estimation is wrong because it is taking the life of a being
Re: May I ask what else would you like them to do with excess horses?
Breeding and slaughtering
I have an excess of cats -- I'm not killing them, that's for sure
Anyone who eats meat has unbelievable gall to call themselves an animal lover
But your pets eat meat
Is life really that simple?
