Animal Advocates Watchdog

Is life really that simple?

Wouldn't it be nice if life was so simple as: "I eat meat, thus I am not entitled to care for the well-being of any other animal on the planet"; or conversely: "I do not eat meat, thus I am allowed to care for other creatures".

Certainly, it would be ideal that all humans become vegan - but we know that is not the only premise upon which animal welfare needs to be based. And I agree there is a certain amount of hypocrisy involved here. However, should someone who eats meat not interfere when a dog is set on fire? When a kitten is kicked across a room? When a horse that has stopped earning money for its owners is sent to slaughter?

Perhaps that mind-set lets a lot of people off the hook and is readily used to justify 'not getting involved'.

As long as there are people who are willing to spend their time, money and emotions to protect and defend any helpless creature, I for one am grateful and indebted to them for life, even if they and their pets happen to be carnivores.

Messages In This Thread

Alert: Two More Slaughterhouses Killing Horses in Canada!
May I ask what else would you like them to do with excess horses?
Slaughtering animals for food in my estimation is wrong because it is taking the life of a being
Re: May I ask what else would you like them to do with excess horses?
Breeding and slaughtering
I have an excess of cats -- I'm not killing them, that's for sure
Anyone who eats meat has unbelievable gall to call themselves an animal lover
But your pets eat meat
Is life really that simple?
