Animal Advocates Watchdog

I should like nothing more than to reverse my negative attitude toward the SPCA

Don't hold your breath for an explanation from the SPCA. My personal experience for several years of asking the SPCA questions is that they do not answer.
Consequently, it is my belief, that until there is a major change in the SPCA's culture, critics and questioners are facing a brick wall of silence.
If the SPCA cares to tell me otherwise, or even answers some of the other questions I've asked it over the years, I invite it to do so. I should like nothing more than to reverse my negative attitude toward the SPCA.

Messages In This Thread

Kuper Island natives shooting diseased and dangerous dogs - SPCA only steps in if it's done inhumanely
Big Heart Rescue steps in! *LINK* *PIC*
Big Heart Rescue to attend Northern Dog Conference to be held in Toronto
Big Heart Rescue Society is doing the work on the Bella Bella reserve *LINK* *PIC*
Big Heart Rescue founder and president, Gail Moerkerken, is being sued by the BC SPCA
Why has BHR been so successful when the SPCA has failed for so long?
After reading what the SPCA had to say regarding their failed attempts working with Kuper Island ...
I should like nothing more than to reverse my negative attitude toward the SPCA
Narwhal hunt/more Iqaluit dog stories *PIC*
This begs the question: Do natives report inhumane killing to the SPCA and if they do, what does the SPCA do?
Big Heart Rescue would likely be pleased to present training to the SPCA to show them how they have been successful
2003: the BC SPCA will begin pursuing financial support to launch a comprehensive spay/neuter program
Big Heart Rescue asked in 2004 -- Where is the $23,000 report on implementing a spay/neuter mobile van?
Linda Locke, Native lawyer and writer of the report for the SPCA, expressed disappointment in the lack of action by the SPCA *LINK*
