Animal Advocates Watchdog

Weekend update on the sled-dog cruelty freedom of speech fight in Whitehorse

Thank you all for these wonderful messages. I wanted to give you a little bit more background about the poster campaign. Since putting up the posters, I had been going around replacing those that were removed or which had been defaced with X-Acto knives.

Two nights before the fund raiser, a concerted effort was made to remove all posters, so I spent that evening replacing them, hoping that they might still be up on the day of the event.

The posters were all removed during broad daylight on October 11th, the Quest supporters did not want these posters to pee on their parade the next day.

On that Thursday, I noticed that the posters were all gone during my afternoon break and wrote a short message and walked over to the Yukon News office to see Mr. Mostyn. I asked him if he had seen the posters over the last two weeks and he said that he had.

He looked at my angrily-scrawled chicken-scratch message/letter to editor, and said he would type it up himself (he also expertly edited the message). It was the only letter published in the Friday, October 12th News and was prominently displayed.

'Tearing down freedom of expression'

To the individual(s) who have been tearing down sled dog advocacy posters in downtown Whitehorse: You are very cowardly.

If this is the same person (highly paid government official with a professional background) who bragged about his handiwork in a Whitehorse bar earlier this year, shame on you!

Have a double shot of animal cruelty with your friends tonight.

Terry Cumming

I would also like to tell you about my friend Mike Grieco, who has been my #1 ally in Whitehorse ever since I started advocating for sled dogs and other animals in the Yukon.

Mr. Grieco is, in my mind, a modern-day version of St. Francis of Assisi with respect to his advocating for animals, especially wild animals. He has a unique way of writing about animals/nature and makes no compromises in his advocacy on their behalf.

Mike put one ad about the sled dog posters in each Friday edition of our local papers under his email address at He will send a jpeg image of the ad to AAS next week.

We both appreciate being able to get the AR message from the Yukon out to the world on the AAS Daily Watchdog and appreciate all your support.

Hopefully, some or all of your letters will be published next week, I will keep you posted.

Messages In This Thread

'In dogged pursuit of an end': Letter to Editor of Yukon News in response to A. Murray Lundberg
Thank you Mr Mostyn
Thank you Mr Mostyn
Clearly, Mr Cumming is ahead of the pack in the Yukon
On behalf of the many battered and bleeding dogs
An act of integrity and courage
It is always courageous to take an unpopular stand
It's people like you that cause society to progress ethically
Weekend update on the sled-dog cruelty freedom of speech fight in Whitehorse
I cannot overstate how important Terry’s website and posters are for this community
