Animal Advocates Watchdog

A new executive director committed to and passionate about saving lives was hired *LINK*

The first step to building a No Kill community is rebuilding your relationship with the community. And that is done by showing them that you are true to your mission. Two years ago, in January 2007, we did a series of Town Hall-type meetings and surveys to determine how the Washoe County (Reno), NV community felt about its shelter, the Nevada Humane Society.

Those efforts revealed deep dissatisfaction in the community, especially among animal welfare stakeholders (rescue groups, feral cat caretakers, No Kill shelters, and others) with the job being done. The vast majority did not believe the humane society was doing enough to save lives.

Rather than circle the wagons as too many shelters do, the Board of Directors promised the community they would do better, and they idealized that promise by embracing and launching an ambitious No Kill initiative despite a combined intake rate of 16,000 dogs and cats per year; three times the per capita rate of Los Angeles, five times the per capita rate of San Francisco, and over twice the national average. In other words, they didn’t just point the finger of blame at the “irresponsible public,” they said they would save the animals despite whatever irresponsibility existed in the community.

The following two years were marked by significant and substantial efforts in that regard. We assisted the agency by assessing and revamping its operations. A new executive director committed to and passionate about saving lives was hired. The entire management team was replaced. And of nearly seventy employees, only three of the original group was allowed to remain. In short, they got the right people on the bus. And then they took that bus in a whole new direction. That meant launching a series of programs and services in line with the No Kill Equation model of sheltering. And the results have been dramatic.

Messages In This Thread

The only way to stop a bully is to stand up to one: Threats of SLAPPs don't deter Winograd
Companion Animal Protection Act *LINK* *PIC*
Currently, the BCSPCA is still killing animals which no no-kill agency would dream of killing
A new executive director committed to and passionate about saving lives was hired *LINK*
QUITE THE EYE OPENER! Declaration of the No Kill Movement *LINK*
Crazy like a fox
Has anyone asked PETA why it killed the cats and dogs?
Euphemism; Spin & Counterspin (euphemisms for lying
Actually PETA explains itself why it kills animals
I asked and was told...
