Animal Advocates Watchdog

Crazy like a fox

'That blog earned me a letter from PETA’s attorney threatening litigation for defamation.'

Read the details of the BC SPCA's threats and litigation against AAS at

'In short, Newkirk admits that PETA “absolutely” kills savable animals.'

So does the BC SPCA absolutely kill savable animals, even while telling the public, through the media that is doesn't? Yes it does. Read what we mean at

'If history teaches us anything, however, it is that the only way to stop a bully is to stand up to one.'

"Take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." - Elie Weisel

'[A]ny dissent by employees or volunteers is allegedly punished by termination or ousting from the group.'

We have been told many times of compassionate BC SPCA employees who were bullied into quitting, usually women, in tears.

'“Euthanasia: The Compassionate Option,” about “overburdened” shelter workers, and about giving animals what Newkirk calls “the gift of euthanasia,” and how “it was the best gift they’ve ever had,” is eerily similar. [T]his is nothing more than Orwellian double-speak. [T]hat killing them is an act of kindness.'

Ah yes -- one of the animal-killing industry's tried-and-true standards, the 'angels of mercy' p.r. spin.

'It is beyond ironic. It is beyond hypocritical. It is beyond a betrayal. It is beyond obscene. Regardless of whether you believe in “animal rights” or you don’t; regardless of whether you are a vegetarian or not; regardless of where you stand on animal issues unrelated to animal sheltering, I believe PETA’s position is insane.'

Crazy like a fox in the case of agencies like the BC SPCA when p.r. works so well. When the public reads statements like the one made by the SPCA's CEO: 'When the SPCA must euthanize an animal, it is for the same reason so-called "no-kill" facilities euthanize animals — to end the suffering of an animal that is beyond medical help,' and then tells us that the SPCA is no-kill, means the spin has worked, even though the SPCA has a list of 56 reasons that it permits itself to kill for. (

'Two years ago, Newkirk gave a video presentation on what amounted to why Pit Bulls should be killed and this year, one of her devotees will share PETA’s strategy for how to engage in “damage control” and “public relations spin” when a shelter or community which kills is challenged by No Kill proponents.'

Killing pit bulls for contracts is one p.r. subject the SPCA hasn't tried to spin since it seems to be reluctant to discuss that its dog control contract (at least in Surrey) requires it to apply to the courts for destruction orders for dogs that have bitten, many of which are pit bulls.

Messages In This Thread

The only way to stop a bully is to stand up to one: Threats of SLAPPs don't deter Winograd
Companion Animal Protection Act *LINK* *PIC*
Currently, the BCSPCA is still killing animals which no no-kill agency would dream of killing
A new executive director committed to and passionate about saving lives was hired *LINK*
QUITE THE EYE OPENER! Declaration of the No Kill Movement *LINK*
Crazy like a fox
Has anyone asked PETA why it killed the cats and dogs?
Euphemism; Spin & Counterspin (euphemisms for lying
Actually PETA explains itself why it kills animals
I asked and was told...
