Animal Advocates Watchdog

Prince Rupert SPCA sounds warning after dog disease hits shelter

SPCA sounds warning after dog disease hits shelter

The Daily News
Published: Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Prince Rupert SPCA is warning of the presence of a ‘severe and deadly’ virus in some of their dogs. The animal shelter has had two dogs brought to them with Parvo.

“We are continuing to take borders and surrendered dogs but we are checking to make sure the borders have had their vaccinations,” said Ann Ferguson, chair of the Prince Rupert SPCA community council. “We are being diligent to keep our kennel healthy.”

Dr. Paul Kennedy of the Pacific Coast Veterinary Hospital explained Parvo is a gastrointestinal virus that damages dogs’ bowel lining.

“It’s fully preventable,” he said. “For people who routinely vaccinate their dogs, it’s no problem.”...

Messages In This Thread

Prince Rupert SPCA sounds warning after dog disease hits shelter
Real animal welfarists don't kill for treatable disease
Is the SPCA in Prince Rupert offering free vaccination programs for the neediest dogs of this community? *LINK* *PIC*
SPCA sterilization programs - how effective?
Dog boarding by an animal welfare society is very questionable
The animals waiting to get into any BC SPCA facility should take precedence
