Animal Advocates Watchdog

Re: Dumped pooches were probably breeder's dead wood

I agree!!! It is the biggest and FIRST reason why I have serious doubts about the well-intentions of the SPCA...WHY have they not TRIED to impose a by-law for breeding. Why not license anyone who wants to breed, with breeders having to list their license number in local papers? These licenses could be obtained by the SPCA.

It makes absolutely no sense to me that it is a total free for all and that anyone can breed and anyone can sell. NO wonder there are SO many unwanted animals here.

What has the SPCA done about this? Only due to HUGE public pressure have they just started to spay and neuter animals BEFORE leaving their premises and this only happens at a few SPCAs.

I'm sick of SPCA excuses...I want to see something done, I want breeding by-laws in place before I'd ever think of supporting them..and until that is done...I remain totally suspicious of their organization.

Messages In This Thread

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Dumped pooches were probably breeder's dead wood *LINK*
SPCA encourages a culture of cruelty by permitting so much cruelty
Re: Dumped pooches were probably breeder's dead wood
