Animal Advocates Watchdog

Kelowna newspapers: defaming the people who do real animal welfare and rescue: Kelowna Capital News

February 11/03
Letter to the Editor
Capital News

Thank you for making it crystal clear whose side you are on. Somehow, I thought good journalism was a report about a certain event after thorough, professional and objective research. The media in a democratic country have an obligation to keep the community informed as fully as possible and perhaps offer proposals for trying to find solutions to problems. During this past week, you have accused animal groups which oppose the actions taken by the SPCA of slander and harassment, yet – sadly – you lowered yourself to those same pitiful tactics. Many countries are inclined to suppress the truth – I did not think we were one of them.

Don’t you realize that what you are doing is more than overkill? Three pages of pictures and articles containing repeated vicious accusations of anyone who dares to have an opinion different from yours or those of the SPCA? Many people are wondering what is going on.

There is no group or organization in this world that does not make mistakes. Why should the SPCA be such an untouchable empire? Senators, ministers, priests, everybody is guilty of something.

Why is the important question ignored? On January 17, your paper reported that stories about killing another group of the Beaverdell dogs at the SPCA were nothing but rumors; you even made fun of the concerned animal charities. Yet on January 30, those rumors became a very sad reality. Was there any follow-up?

Why do the words of SPCA management – three people at most – carry so much more weight than those of nine rescue groups and charities who represent several hundred dedicated people, working quietly and tirelessly, fulfilling for free precisely the same job the SPCA does! You received their press release a week ago. Isn’t it your duty to tell both sides of the story?

How dare you attack, for example, the Okanagan Humane Society, a small group whose members are mostly middle-aged and senior women who started assisting low income families with spaying or neutering their pets. This was four years before the SCPA was awarded $25,000 annually to do the same thing. Money from the Regional District!

Do you know that many women belonging to these charities contribute hundreds of dollars to help fix and place dozens of animals, mostly abused or neglected, into new homes? You dare to accuse them of being power and money hungry? Would you like to meet some of them? They definitely make this world a better place, quietly and without fanfare.

Did you know that in June of last year, a small group of volunteers in Creston rescued 56 huskies and malamutes from a puppy mill in Topaz Creek? Two had to be put down for medical reasons and one for aggressiveness. All the remaining 53 were fixed and placed in homes. Isn’t that amazing?

You definitely went too far this time, Mr. Jones. And you didn’t do your homework.

H. Masarik, Kelowna.

Messages In This Thread

Kelowna newspapers: defaming the people who do real animal welfare and rescue: the Kelowna Daily Courier
Who used the word "knife"? Putting out fires at the Kelowna SPCA
Kelowna newspapers: defaming the people who do real animal welfare and rescue: Kelowna Capital News
Links to the pro-SPCA articles
To Marshall Jones: Kelowna Capital News: from Mandy Rawson, Tanglewood Farm
Kelowna Capital News: Is it time to contact the BC Press Council?
Kelowna Capital News: A recap of its sensationalism, bias, defamation, and misrepresentation of the facts
Re: Kelowna Capital News: A recap of its sensationalism, bias, defamation, and misrepresentation of the facts
Re: Kelowna Capital News: A recap of its sensationalism, bias, defamation, and misrepresentation of the facts
RE: "Wild at Heart/Dealing with a desperate situation" and "Some animals are not fit for human co-habitation" by Marshall Jones
