Animal Advocates Watchdog

Re: Kelowna Capital News: A recap of its sensationalism, bias, defamation, and misrepresentation of the facts

Dear Animal Advocates:

Wow. I have never received such a glowing endorsement, Jennifer, thank you.

It is good to see consistency in your approach, as facts are casually discarded in your two-fisted pursuit of the SPCA. You go git im.

Normally I don't respond to this drivel because a) I have a lot to do and b) I prefer to shut up in my downtime. But I'm a little bored today, so I'll indulge myself.

I began the longer piece about the Beaverdell dogs weeks before the last ten were killed and the animal advocacy insanity began. In fact, I had hoped I could time my piece for the week before they were killed. I sought the side of the story many of the readers on this board should know, as well as the readers in my community should know: How the people at the SPCA were affected by a difficult time.
I trusted my eyes before my ears when I did so.

I've been writing about animal issues for about three years and I will stand on my record. Those whom I respect will know where I stand and their criticisms I accept and I respect. Sinikka Crosland comes instantly to mind. Of all the people who have contacted me, she is one of the very few whose credibility remains intact, even if I do take the occasional pot-shot at her (rescuing gophers seemed a little out there.)

Credibility is, in my view, the single most important factor when writing a news story, because if I don't believe you or I know your "facts" to be untrue, I will not distract my readers with it.

The issue of dog attacks is an on-going one in Kelowna. I agree the photo of the attack was debatable but, on the whole, pertinent. I didn't include an interview with a victim who would prefer the SPCA choose an even greater degree of caution.

Mandy Rawson asked me if I would like to join her on a rescue and I accepted her gracious invitation. As I explained to many people, your concerns with the SPCA may certainly be well-founded. As has been said by others, I don't have a clear history of SPCA concerns.
But my stories weren't about the SPCA. They were about the Beaverdell dogs and their impact on the people tasked with their care who happened to work for the SPCA. When the Insanity interrupted, I wrote about it.
My notes from some of the blind volunteers and their ridiculous allegations were tossed in the trash where they belonged.

I remain open to any and all questions, concerns and story ideas. The Capital News is also pretty democratic, so letters and opposing views are always welcome.

Marshall Jones
Kelowna Capital News

Messages In This Thread

Kelowna newspapers: defaming the people who do real animal welfare and rescue: the Kelowna Daily Courier
Who used the word "knife"? Putting out fires at the Kelowna SPCA
Kelowna newspapers: defaming the people who do real animal welfare and rescue: Kelowna Capital News
Links to the pro-SPCA articles
To Marshall Jones: Kelowna Capital News: from Mandy Rawson, Tanglewood Farm
Kelowna Capital News: Is it time to contact the BC Press Council?
Kelowna Capital News: A recap of its sensationalism, bias, defamation, and misrepresentation of the facts
Re: Kelowna Capital News: A recap of its sensationalism, bias, defamation, and misrepresentation of the facts
Re: Kelowna Capital News: A recap of its sensationalism, bias, defamation, and misrepresentation of the facts
RE: "Wild at Heart/Dealing with a desperate situation" and "Some animals are not fit for human co-habitation" by Marshall Jones
