Animal Advocates Watchdog

If the members do actually want change then they CAN make it happen through the existing system!

While it may be true that the various levels of politicians have the authority to change the rules and laws which govern the BCSPCA they are not the primary ones who need to take action to get the BCSPCA to change for the better.

The primary reason that the BCSPCA is in the current position is because the members of the Society are either ignorant of what is going on or are too apathetic to do anything about it!
The members have the ability and the authority to make whatever changes are necessary to have exactly the type of Society that they want or deserve.

How you may ask? Well if those wanting change, stand up to join the local CAC, at the local annual meetings and there are enough of them to make a majority on the CAC, and the members attending the meeting are concerned and elect them, then perhaps something can be made to happen to improve the Society.
The CAC can elect a Regional Councillor who, together with the other Regional Councillors can elect a Director to the Board!

Unfortunately, what happens in many instances is that only a few people stand forward to be a CAC member, and consequently there is no election as such. The result is a CAC which does not have any overall direction for change or for anything else. When this is repeated through a region then the result is that the Regional Councillors and hence the Directors are, in many cases, those who are willing to hold the position but not to have any particular mandate to make changes. Consequently throughout the Society the CAC members, etc., look to the management for their direction, not the other way round as it should be, and hence the path that is being taken.

And so the members get the Directors that they elect and if the members do actually want change then they CAN make it happen through the existing system!

Messages In This Thread

Shame on the System, shame on us...
Anger is a waste of energy: I only ever wanted the corruption to end: AAS successes *LINK*
If the members do actually want change then they CAN make it happen through the existing system!
But what if the system is corrupt?
