Animal Advocates Watchdog

The SPCA sanctimoniously says it does not judge dogs based on breed. But it would kill wolf hybrids, no judging at all

The SPCA cannot seem to just be honest. If anyone tells the truth, \ that Pit bulls must be inherently more dangerous than most other breeds, because they are bred specifically to fight to the death, as AAS has said, the backlash from Pit bull defenders and many uninformed dog-lovers is frightful - angry and threatening. And a sure-fire way to lose donations. So the SPCA doesn't tell the truth - it says that it doesn't make distinctions based on breed and that cocker spaniels bite too. The first part is not even true and the second part is childish - as though there is any correlation between attacks by Pit bulls and bites by Cocker spaniels!

The SPCA does make distinctions based on breed. It is official BC SPCA policy is to kill wolf hybrids. That is the only construction that can be put on the SPCA's phrase " it is recommended that they not be placed elsewhere", unless the SPCA has a secret wolf-hybid shelter somewhere.


Approved: September 1997


The BC SPCA is opposed to the keeping and breeding of wolf-dog hybrids.


The BC SPCA believes that wolf-dog hybrids:

cannot be successfully and safely integrated into a human environment because they must be confined at all times. This confinement does not meet the physical, social and psychological needs of the animal.

pose a threat to native wolf populations by diluting the gene pool, and the potential for introducing diseases and defects not currently found in the wild.

are not domesticated animals and as a result, can be dangerously unpredictable. They cannot be trusted with people, especially children, or other animals whose actions may trigger the predatory instincts of the wolf hybrid, often with tragic consequences for all involved. Such behaviour in the wolf hybrid is genetically encoded and cannot be eliminated by socialization and training.

The BC SPCA acknowledges that some wolf hybrids are kept as pets. In those cases the BC SPCA recommends that they be permitted to live out their lives provided that:

they are kept in suitable conditions that, to the extent possible, meet the animals’ physical, social and psychological needs.

they are spayed or neutered and permanently identified with a microchip implant.

they receive proper veterinary care at all times, including preventive.

if they are presented to a humane society or animal control agency it is recommended that they not be placed elsewhere.

Messages In This Thread

The SPCA sanctimoniously says it does not judge dogs based on breed. But it would kill wolf hybrids, no judging at all
The reason we raise this issue is because we got a phone call..
Wolf crosses are a good analogy for pit bulls
One more thing that still hasn't changed: The trigger-happy SPCA *LINK* *PIC*
