Animal Advocates Watchdog

I recommend that the Directors get independent legal advice as I did

Dear Animal Advocates,

I find this issue rather interesting. I am surprised that Board members allow their mail to be screened.

Directors have Duties of Good Faith and Care, a duty to manage, "Representative" duties, fiduciary duties and a whole pile of personal liabilities. How they discharge these duties and avoid these liabilities by isolating themselves from the membership and the public is beyond this reasonable person's understanding.

I presume that new Directors have not received a copy of Lawson Lundell's Memorandum to Michael Steven, Vice President, dated December 2, 1999, Re: Duties and Liabilities of Directors of the BC SPCA. At one time this document was available on the internal web page. If there are any Directors out there that need a copy, they can phone me.

I also recommend that they do as I did and get independent legal advice - at their own expense- worth every penny.

I sent a letter to once. I was told that the address was reserved for members and supporters! I guess that the donations I made last year don't count as support! In any event I presume that this web site is being monitored by Lawson Lundell and they will advise the board that their renegade Past President suggests that they read the advice provided by Lawson Lundell in 1999.

Rick Sargent

Messages In This Thread

Do emails addressed to the Board of the BC SPCA actually get to all the members?
Letters addressed to all the Members of the Board may very well never reach them
This is the very reason that some Members of the Board of the BC SPCA have resigned
I recommend that the Directors get independent legal advice as I did
