Animal Advocates Watchdog

Dealing - day in, day out - with various kinds of animals in all kinds of circumstances requires highly skilled people

As much as one would wish and hope that institutions such as the SPCA would screen for applicants who love animals during their hiring process, or give priority to the ones that have a degree, or diploma of some kind, related to animal matters; it is equally if not more important that these same people receive the best education, training and apprenticeship after they are hired. Dealing - day in, day out - with various kinds of animals in all kinds of circumstances requires highly skilled people. A select minority comes with these skills, may it be God given or attained by past education, training and/or experience. The onus lies with the organization to educate and train the rest, and get rid of those that do not make the cut. Handling animals is no different than handling industrial machinery. It must require credentials regarding maintenance, skilful operation, and troubleshooting. Otherwise - same as with industrial machinery - one will damage the equipment, destroy the project, or seriously hurt oneself, the public, or the team. Without impeccable credentials one would never be allowed to go near industrial or sensitive equipment. Why should it be it different with animals?

Messages In This Thread

Transcript of the Linda Douglas/James Hill trial
Notes to the transcript (1) The time line of inspections and seizure
I ask once again for the SPCA to get better laws, not bigger guns
Notes to the Transcript (2); SPCA Constables not trained in animal welfare
Dealing - day in, day out - with various kinds of animals in all kinds of circumstances requires highly skilled people
Animal Welfare Certificate Program: is this course required for SPCA employees? *LINK*
Notes to the Transcript (3): the Farrier
Notes to the Transcript (4): SPCA vet, Dr Teresa Jacobson, recommended the horse Sully be immediately euthanized. A year later she is thriving
Notes to the Transcript (5): "The Mystery of the Creek" (that can only be seen in court photographs unless you're the SPCA in which case the creek may or may not be there)
Notes to the seizure (6) Dr Jacobson again: the horse Cocoa and her foal: a shameful farce (more on the "Mystery of The Creek That Isn't There")
See the AAS web section on SPCA seizures *LINK*
The Mystery of the Warrant" The plot sickens.
The money - No mystery about that!
The well-known danger of logs and holes are now grounds for taking away your animals, and not a moment too soon!
Ruthless to animals, ruthless to people - An interview with Linda Douglas
