Animal Advocates Watchdog

The SPCA's critics have forced it to stop killing every last unsellable animal

The SPCA's critics have forced it to stop killing every last unsellable animal. The Biscuit Fund is the SPCA's answer to its critics getting media attention. But the Biscuit Fund will never have enough money in it for any purpose but to showcase a few lucky animals and to ward off the media, as long as the SPCA has a policy of unlimited intake.

By slow stages (in which the misery, suffering, and needless death of SPCA animals has gone on daily), the SPCA is being dragged into real animal welfare. Every one of its new animal welfare policies has been in reaction to damaging media revelations and the fear of more. We have not seen one example of the SPCA leading the way. It does not even willingly follow the example of the real leaders, the thousands of women whose moral compasses need no kick in the pants. It digs in its heels, ramps up the P.R. and sets its Pit Bull lawyers on the example-setters.

When all that fails to stop the financial blood-letting that its own selfish stupidity causes, it makes incremental improvements, like the Biscuit Fund .

When a person first starts to do animal welfare, they very quickly reach the point of saturation. There is not enough money, space, time, or homes to take every animal in. At that point, the naturally ethical choose to limit their intake rather than kill the animals that take the most money, space, and time.

Over one hundred years after starting its "animal welfare", the SPCA still kills animals that take money, space and time. Instead it hires the kind of person who weeps for themselves (on camera and for the media if required), when they kill a helpless animal...for a paycheque... and the SPCA peddles that as animal welfare.

The way the SPCA has successfully peddled animal killing as animal welfare is to pull the media spotlight away from the animals and onto the employees who do the killing. The SPCA has no dearth of women employees who are willing to kill through their tears and say how hard this is on them. This egotism amounts to narcissism in our opinion. Narcissism is a dangerous condition of the mind. It certainly is dangerous to animals.

Ethical women quietly get on with the task of saving lives. Hundreds of thousands of them do this every day, quietly and at great personal sacrifice. The media seldom pays any attention to them. In fact, the SPCA has actually stolen credit (and hence money) from these little groups if the media seems about to train its spotlight on a big rescue story that might attract substantial donations away from the SPCA. (See how the SPCA grabs the credit and the money, and how it tries to put any competition out of business at The Kamloops Cat Killing and The SPCA raids Forgotten Felines Cat Shelter and Creston PAWS rescues Topaz Creek Chained Dogs and SPCA Takes the Credit See other Top Stories at

Messages In This Thread

The SPCA's Biscuit Fund helps Suzy, the cat with a broken leg
This is real animal least it is the first step
Real animal welfare is the same as child welfare
The SPCA's critics have forced it to stop killing every last unsellable animal
This is the pattern of corruption that unlimited intake follows
