Letters from Gwen's Supporters


On this page:

Monday, February 20, 2006

Editor, Hope Standard:

Re: SPCA doing its duty!

I saw the SPCA van going past my farm again this morning to my neighbour Gwen Wilson's home, knowing full well that Gwen Wilson had major surgery last week. I have to admit at this moment I am not proud of my association with the organization.

The SPCA is a referred to as a non-profit organization, but may I point out that the staff hired to run the shelters, as well the executives that direct the society, are in fact paid very well. I don't argue this point as it is a necessity, volunteers are hard to come by. My point is that the people who are taking it upon themselves to harass Gwen can not hide behind the fact that the organization is non-profit.

They took her dog, made her pay astronomical fees, knowing full well her low income level. They kept the dog until Gwen signed paper work giving the SPCA over-reaching powers.

I myself would be headed to a lawyer, citing duress, to have the paper work before a court, as well as the amount of money they are forcing Gwen to pay. No matter how non-profit an organization is, it should not look to survive on the back of the poor.

In the letter last week, the statement was made that the SPCA accepts cats from Hope. I took one down a couple of years ago, it cost me 50 dollars, the cat needed to be there and I was responsible for the animal. The stray cats in Hope all had owners at one time that could not or would not pay the surrender fee, could not or would not pay to have their animal altered. As long as there is a fee to drop off stray animals a large part of the population will be dumped.

Most responsible people who have a stray show up at their door will not take it in either, they just close the door and the animal is left to fend for itself. Gwen did not close her door. I for one commend her for her misguided efforts.

I am not saying that Gwen was right or wrong. What I'm saying is that the way the SPCA's agents are treating Gwen is in itself cruel. She is a kind lady with a good soul and deserves to be treated as such...with dignity and respect.

There have been many time through my years as a volunteer agent for the SPCA that I disagreed with the way they did things, but never to the degree I do in this instance. Gwen was told SHE cost the organization a lot of money. I beg to differ. If these animals had been taken directly from the streets to the SPCA the cost would have been the same. Gwen did not cost the SPCA, Gwen tried to help the cats.other peoples' cats.

I have never stood by and watched an animal be treated unfairly and I am not going to stand by and watch another human being be treated unfairly either. I stand with Gwen

Kathy Stanley,
Hope, B.C.

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July 12, 2006

To Whom It May Concern,

This letter is in support of a person I am proud to call my friend. I have had the privilege of knowing Gwen for over eight years now and have found her to be one of the most giving and loving people I have met. So it was with great shock and bewilderment to hear that a person who is dedicated most of their life, far and above what many people would have done, is accused of such absolute falsehoods goes beyond my understanding.

As a professional in the medical field my work takes me out of town for a period of time. I have two cats that I dearly love and one of the few people I would trust their care into is Gwen. She was always diligent in her treatment of my animals while I was away, often taking them to the veterinarian for a scheduled appointments and always faithful in feeding and watering them. My animals do not attach themselves easily to other humans but when she would come over and visit me, they were only too anxious to have her attention upon them.

I have been aware almost from the first time I met Gwen that she was willing to take animals that had been abandoned or their owners could no longer look after them. Everything in her day was scheduled around the care of her pets. She was prepared and indeed did fell into debt to ensure these animals were always fed and looked after. She spent countless hours rounding up strays were no one else would go, even the SPCA. I have visited her at her place of employment to find behind the counter a box with a cat in it; so she could offer it constant attention as it was not feeling well. More than once I have had her cry on my shoulder with worry over one over her animals. I have yet to meet a person as caring and considerate to animals as Gwen has been.

I have often been bewildered at the thought processes of humans and I must admit I am left scratching my head at the outrageous behaviour of the SPCA. Instead of removing her animals, they should have offered to help support them in this caring environment. Instead of proceeding with these ridiculous and unsubstantiated charges, they should have offered her their deepest respect and thanks. I am reminded of the old saying that even bad publicity is still good publicity and this certainly seems to hold true with the SPCA.

My life has been dedicated to the wellness of others and I certainly would not tolerate anything less of my friends, I am proud to consider Gwen one of my dearest and closest of friends. I am prepared to support her in any way I can through these difficult and incredibly unjust times. It is my hope that the reader of this letter will see just how convinced I feel that this whole matter is an overreaction of the SPCA and that I feel Gwen is a extremely caring and loving person toward animals and totally incapable of any kind of cruelty towards them. If there is any blame or neglect to be laid at anyone's feet then I would look at the SPCA and ask where they were when all these animals needed someone to love and feed them as Gwen took on. Cruelty and neglect to animals; no, not this lady if she could be accused of anything then it would be loving and caring of these animals too much.

If you require further information, I am very willing to do what I can do to help prove the dedication of this woman to her animals.

Len Potter,
Hope, BC

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July 13, 2006

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter to show my support for my sister, Gwen Wilson, in regard to her pets. Gwen has been an avid animal lover since we were children. We always had either a cat or a dog in our household and she always took charge of them. She also would walk neighbours dogs for them and as she grew older would look after their pets when they were away on vacation.

Since living in Hope Gwen has always had household pets and now has farm animals as well. These pets have become her "children". Gwen has never said no to adopting strays and because of her soft heart people keep on bringing them to her. She has nursed many of them for various ailments and has beaten a constant path to the veterinary clinic. A check of their records would prove that she showed active responsibility for her animals' welfare. Gwen herself has had twenty-two years experience as a surgeon assistant in a veterinary hospital in Vancouver.

Due to her husband's death she is now living with a single income. As a result, with the growing number of cats, Gwen would sometimes do without food to make sure the animals were fed and had medical attention if needed. These animals were not neglected or mistreated. She named each cat and always knew who was who. I don't know anyone else who is more of an animal lover than my sister.

I find it unbelievable that Gwen of all people would be charged with two counts of cruelty to animals. Her animals are her whole life. In closing I hope these charges will be dismissed as they should be.

Yours truly,

Barbara Reid,
Surrey, BC

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July 10, 2006

To Whom It May Concern

I am writing in support of Gwen Wilson. I have known her for approximately 8 years and met her through my sister.

I moved to Hope from Vancouver and had heard from my sister all about the "cat lady". I must admit I was fascinated to meet her. I am not a big cat fan so when I went to her place I was ready to be a bit put out. You know, the smell of cats and all. I was getting the grand tour of her farm and meeting all the animals. There was a large green trailer and I was standing in the doorway peering through the screen when a cat jumped off a scratching post and meowed at me. I jumped about 5 feet off the ground in shock. This was "the cat trailer". I was standing right in the doorway and couldn't even smell them! That impressed me.

As I got to know Gwen more, I began to understand just what a truly kind and caring person she is. No matter what she is there for you. I had rescued a dog off the street and had to go away for a weekend and asked her to dog-sit for me. Unfortunately, the dog I had rescued, attacked and bit her. Yet she still fed and cared for it for another 2 days until I came home. Her kindness and attention to all animals should be admired and respected.

In Gwen's life her animals come first. They are the center of her world and all that matter to her.' Meeting their needs comes first with her even if it means going without herself. When I heard that claims of cruelty or neglect were being considered against her I felt sick. If there were ever a person less likely to be cruel to animals I can't imagine it.

Anyone who takes the time get to know Gwen and watch her with her animals would know that they are her world. With all the struggles she is facing with her personal health (fighting for her own life) I am saddened to hear that she is being forced to defend herself against such ridiculous charges.

I am more than happy to stand in her defense of her good and kind character and treatment of animals.

Sara McIntosh,
Chilliwack, BC

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July 8, 2006

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this letter to show support for Gwen Wilson and would love the opportunity to speak in her defense personally. I am shocked and horrified that there is any question as to her treatment of animals.

I have known Gwen for almost 10 years and her pets are the center of her being. She has a huge heart and it shows itself when it comes to the treatment of animals. Since I have known her, she has owned a variety of pets from dogs and cats to pigs, goats and geese. All of these animals have been truly loved and cared for.

Many of Gwen's pets came from rescues. She would find hurt animals and use her vet assistant training to nurse them back to health. I have seen her bottle feed many ailing animals and bring them back from near death. The one I remember best is her white goat. I first met it when it was tiny and being nursed. As it grew, it would follow Gwen everywhere like she was its mother. It didn't realize it was grown up and would often try to get into her trailer and sleep with her!

At one time, cats were what Gwen was known for. When I met her she was the cat lady. I worked with her and people were forever coming to see her at work and see if she would just take this one cat they couldn't keep or use. When her numbers got up there, she would try to say no and mysteriously abandoned cats would appear outside our place of work and because of her soft heart, Gwen would take out milk to them and eventually end up taking them home because they would be left alone to die otherwise.

During hard economic times, I have gone and bought Gwen groceries knowing that when money is tight her animals come first. I have known her to go hungry herself, in order to make sure the animals got what they needed.

I myself own dogs and since I've known Gwen, she is affectionately known as Auntie Gwen. My dogs recognize her car and greet her at the door with eagerly wagging tails. My dogs are my children and Gwen treats them as hers as well. She is my surrogate mom for them and the only one I trust to care for them when I am out of town. As of tomorrow, she will be taking charge of my dog as I leave the country for three weeks.

To think of anyone even using the words cruelty to animals and Gwen In the same sentence makes me sick to my stomach when I see the sacrifices she has made over the past 8 years for her pets. I hope that any and all that read this and meet Gwen will see her for the animal lover that she is. Any and everything she has done for her animals is with love and good intentions and to punish her for this would be a crime.

Thank you for your time! If I can provide any helpful information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Michele Dekok,
Hope, BC

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July 12, 2006

To whom it may concern:

My name is Jewel Wells. I am Gwen Wilson's boss..

I have visited Gwen's farm unexpectedly and she is a true lover of animals. All the pens where filled with fresh bedding and they where well looked after.

On many occasions she had to lake her break at a special time, so she could take an animal to the vet. If Gwen is a person that does not care about her animals, would she even bother to go to the expense of going to a vet and spending money she does not have and do without herself? I think not!!. She saved many animals from a fate far worse than the conditions these cats where found in. Her only fault was being so kind hearted and taking all these cats and trying to give them a better life than being abandoned to fend for themselves completely.

Jewel Wells,

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July 24, 2006

I have known Gwen Wilson for approximately 4 years. We are co-workers at the Hope Liquor Distribution Branch. I know Gwen to be a compassionate animal lover. Her life has revolved around her pets and doing her best to care for them. I have witnessed Gwen sacrifice many coffee breaks and lunch breaks to run to the vet's office or the feed store for supplies. Gwen's animals are like her children, she would often take care of the needs of her animals before she would take care of her own needs.

Gwen's reputation of being a soft-hearted animal lover is what caused Gwen to get in this unfortunate predicament with the SPCA. I have witnessed Gwen approached by people less fortunate than herself and for these people to beg Gwen to take their mother cat and litter of kittens. Often these people are drug addicts or homeless people and Gwen would feel certain that they could not possibly take care of these animals. There would be NO WAY Gwen could turn away these animals and not feel responsible for their ill-fate. I have also witnessed Gwen coerced by influential business people of Hope and can understand how she felt obligated to take care of someone else's responsibilities. I hope my testimonial to Gwen's circumstances can help you realize that Gwen would not intentionally ever harm an animal. She cared for her animals and tried to do her best with the resources she had available.

Kathy Keats,
Hope, BC.

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