Animal Advocates Watchdog

Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Gooch

Attention: Honourable Wally Oppal

I am writing to ask that you do all within your power to reinstate anti-SLAPP legislation in B.C. It is unfair that those holding the trump dollars and cents card have the power and ability to leave those with a lesser hand no choice than to ultimately fold. This undermines our justice system, helps maintain the status quo, and puts in peril our democratic right to freedom of speech.

The BC SPCA, a large organization has launched a lawsuit against a smaller group, The Animal Advocates Society, in an effort to keep this underdog quiet. Monies that ought to be spent on the care and welfare of animals is now being wasted on this action.

Your consideration and attention to the above is appreciated.


Carmina Gooch

Messages In This Thread

Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Soames
Re: Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Holley
Re: Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Cumiskey
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: McLean
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Moerkerken
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Gooch
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Vandewetering
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: MacMillan
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Sonnex
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Ward
Re: Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: MacDonald
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Roberge
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Stuart
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Young
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Brown
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Pettit
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Matwichuk
