Animal Advocates Watchdog

Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Matwichuk

----- Original Message -----
From: Gail Matwichuk
To: ; ; ; ; ;
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 2:00 PM
Subject: I am concerned about the possible abuse of power by the BC SPCA and its use of legal SLAPP suits

I am writing to you because I am upset and concerned about the welfare of defenceless animals who are being abused and neglected every day of their lives and nothing is being done! I have personally dealt with the SPCA many times and to no avail. those animals are still in the "care" of those who abuse them. Some animals have died of their situations. I hear the excuse that "our hands are tied" because of the legislation or laws, so obviously we desperately need to change those laws or lack of.

Also the SPCA gets money donated from the private sector to try and protect abused animals, but it is now being used to fund a law suit on a private society who also is trying to protect abused animals. Isn't this a conflict of interest and an abuse of these funds? If it were children who were being abused, would anyone sue a party trying to help? I think not. We need to stop the abuse and neglect to animals and an abuse of public money to sue anyone is not the answer. Please stop the law suits and change the laws to better defend those who cannot speak for themselves!

Gail Matwichuk
Anmore, B.C.

Messages In This Thread

Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Soames
Re: Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Holley
Re: Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Cumiskey
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: McLean
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Moerkerken
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Gooch
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Vandewetering
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: MacMillan
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Sonnex
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Ward
Re: Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: MacDonald
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Roberge
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Stuart
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Young
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Brown
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Pettit
Letters to the Hon Wally Oppal, Attorney General for BC: Matwichuk
