Animal Advocates Watchdog

I have over a ten year history feeding my cats a nutritionally balanced vegan diet

Hi there,
just stumbled across the 'vegan cats question' post, and am excited to let you know that I have over a ten year history feeding my cats a nutritionally balanced vegan diet, and that they are all in excellent health.

I highly recommend Harbingers of a New Age (HOANA) Vegecat, which is a veterinary approved supplement you mix with your own homemade recipe (there are several choices provided). You are right to be concerned about taurine and all the amino acids that a cat can get very ill very quickly without. Following the HOANA recipes exactly assures an adequate balance of all the vital nutrients in your animal's diet.

We alternate between chickpeas and lentils as the main protein in our own homemade recipe mix with Vegecat, and even our newest cat (an elderly siamese) was able to be weaned off her old canned food diet and on to Vegecat over about a year of slowly increasing the ratio. As I mentioned, all our animals are thriving. I wouldn't use Evolution either (too many stories about urinary tract problems), but can only repeat that HOANA products have been fool proof for our brood. We mix in animal-grade yeast, non-gmo tvp and olive oil with whatever organic legume we use at the time. The recipes are very easy, and we make a big batch for our four that we put in plastic tubs and freeze for about a two week supply. Two or three times a year (at the most) we order an Economy size container of Vegecat from HOANA, ten lbs of their veggie yeast at a time, and buy the other stuff locally. We are proud to show off our cats as testimony to the reality that there is absolutely no need to support another slaughterhouse, ever, for companion felines.

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Beautiful! Brilliant! Brava, Brava, Brava!!!
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I have over a ten year history feeding my cats a nutritionally balanced vegan diet
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