Animal Advocates Watchdog

How could be so upset about horses dying, while still dining on pigs, cows, chicken, fish and dairy?
In Response To: Still Selfish ()

I have 7 cats, 6 from the BCSPCA Hospital where I use to work. What would I do with them to accomodate my now vegan way of life? Should I rehome them? Take them back to the SPCA? I had them before I decided I didn't want to eat meat or animal products anymore. Cats are carnivores and I'm not sure giving them a 100% vegetarian diet is the best thing for them either. I've briefly looked into it.

And giving credit where credit is due, I have to thank Mia for her post on another forum a few months ago, where her question to those who were upset by the slaughter of horses for human consumption, could still be eating other animals. It made me really open my eyes and question why 'I' could be so upset about horses dying, while still dining on pigs, cows, chicken, fish and dairy.

I looked at a few YouTube videos on animal production and slaughter... and I made my decision pretty fast. I wish I had done this years ago. I had made a few attempts years ago but fell off the wagon. Never again.

While we may not always agree with what someone is saying, there may be something in that message that we don't want to read, or are ready to think about yet. Food for thought :)

Messages In This Thread

Is it rational for "animal-lovers" to eat meat?
Been there, done that
Is it rational for "animal-lovers" to keep animals?
In light of the environmental catastrophe which is confronting all life...
There is a sure-fire way to eliminate the dilemma of feeding animals to animals
Beautiful! Brilliant! Brava, Brava, Brava!!!
Still Selfish
Doing one's best isn't hypocritical
How could be so upset about horses dying, while still dining on pigs, cows, chicken, fish and dairy?
I have over a ten year history feeding my cats a nutritionally balanced vegan diet
Raise and kill your own meat to feed your companion animals
Raise and murder your own meat
