Animal Advocates Watchdog

BC SPCA Director, Kathi Travers, said feral cats are a nuisance

Fall 1999 – Alley Cat Friends Society Mews – Prince George BC

As explained previously, an understanding had been reached with our local SPCA (with the assistance of legal counsel) that they would stop destroying ACFS cats without first advising us so we could recover them. Our cats are clearly marked as to whom they belong with a tattooed “F” in the left ear, which also shows they have been spayed or neutered.

We regret to report the SPCA is once killing our cats, as soon as they receive them , and without notifying us or giving us a chance to collect them. One must consider that we also adopt out many tames cats who are also tattooed with an “F”.

The ACFS exists for the prime purpose of protecting feral cats. The SPCA exists for the protection of all domestic animals and farm animals. So we were extremely saddened to learn the SPCA is continuing to arbitrarily kill our cats and ignore our verbal agreement. We need to put an end to this quickly – these cats are depending on us to protect their lives.

SPCA director Kathi Travers stated (Prince George Citizen) feral cats are a nuisance and the SPCA’s contention that it is more humane to kill a feral animal than let it live the elements, are the reasons for their arbitrary action.

The immediate killing of our cats wastes time, effort, and money spent on their behalf. Not taxpayer’s money, but money donated by the public and you, our members.

The support of our members, SPCA members and readers of this newsletter (is) earnestly requested. Please help us end the unnecessary killing.

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Re: BC SPCA Director: Compassionate animal activists "spout nonsense"
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