Animal Advocates Watchdog

Lorie Chortyk has me choked up!

Lorie Chortyk has me choked up!

She says that the cats should not be given wet food or filtered water, because, once they get a home, their diets may change, and they may suffer from intestinal distress.

So is she saying that she wants them fed poorly now, in anticipation of them being fed poorly in their new homes?

Almost all cats and dogs get a diet change once they are adopted, and yes, some of them suffer from a few days of intestinal distress.

But the physical and psychological benefits of wet food are so widely known that it is outrageous that any animal welfare organization would actually refuse - with an actual "protocol" - to let wet food be given to the cats in its care.

Messages In This Thread

Coast Reporter: Wilson Creek shelter in crises, say former SPCA staff
The benefits of wet food for cats
Humane pound feeds wet food
Dry food saves time and time is money
Re: The benefits of wet food for cats
The Truth About Dry Cat Food
Dry food and water improved the condition of the cats at the Salt Spring SPCA
Lorie Chortyk has me choked up!
Chastised for giving wet food to shelter cats
BC SPCA head office always willing to turn a blind eye
My experience with SPCA management
