Animal Advocates Watchdog

My experience with SPCA management

It was always my opinion and often my experience, that the communication lines from the BC SPCA head office, the CEO and, or the board of directors, to their frontlines, (the shelter staff and folunteers, those who really know what is needed and how to handle animals), were hardly existing, or in poor working order.
The academics prescribed by "experts" are not always what is best in the practical field.
When the generals are not familiar with their frontlines, the battles are lost.

Messages In This Thread

Coast Reporter: Wilson Creek shelter in crises, say former SPCA staff
The benefits of wet food for cats
Humane pound feeds wet food
Dry food saves time and time is money
Re: The benefits of wet food for cats
The Truth About Dry Cat Food
Dry food and water improved the condition of the cats at the Salt Spring SPCA
Lorie Chortyk has me choked up!
Chastised for giving wet food to shelter cats
BC SPCA head office always willing to turn a blind eye
My experience with SPCA management
