Animal Advocates Watchdog

Dry food and water improved the condition of the cats at the Salt Spring SPCA
In Response To: The Truth About Dry Cat Food ()

When I first started to work at the Saltspring shelter, (cats only), I noticed the animals did not look their best. Dull fur, dull eyes and not very lively.
When I became a member of the board, I suggested that we put the cats on high quality dry food only, which we did. No wet food at all, only water and the one kind of dry food.
After about two months there came a pronounced change over the cats, their fur became shiny, they had bright eyes and were lively, as cats should be. Adoption rate increased and vet bills decreased.
We presently have six cats in the house, they are of varying ages and are all in excellent health and guess what, all they ever have, is dry food and water.
Of course we would not touch any of the cheap pet food available at the usual grocery stores, one has to go to specialty pet food stores to find the kind of food containing only the best of everything the animal needs for a healthy and long life.
I am no expert on pet food, but experience over many years proved, that top quality dry food is the best choice.

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The benefits of wet food for cats
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Dry food and water improved the condition of the cats at the Salt Spring SPCA
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