Animal Advocates Watchdog

Sandy...removed from her chain by compassionate women *LINK* *PIC*

We said goodbye to our smiling, golden little Sandy today.

I held her in my arms and watched the light go out in her beloved eyes, and thought back to a Christmas Eve years ago when she came to join our family.

She had been chained outside for all of her life, nine years, maybe more, a too small dog house and a wet blanket her only comfort.

I thought of how she trembled and howled and tried to squeeze herself under my bed at night during storms, panting and drooling in her distress, and wondered how many lonely terrifying nights she had endured shivering at the end of her chain, trying to squeeze deeper into her dog house. How slowly time must have passed for this gentle little soul, how endless the days and nights, months and years. Until finally two brave woman took pity on her. Just "ordinary" women, perhaps someone's mother or sister or wife. They took my Sandy's chain off her, and she came home to me, that Christmas Eve four years ago.

She never spent another day or night alone. And she went to her final sleep on her own little pillow surrounded by the people who loved her.

Thousands more just like her die at the end of their chains.

Please, please keep fighting for them.

Messages In This Thread

Tammy Grimes, founder of Dogs Deserve Better, Arrested for Helping Chained Dying Dog *LINK* *PIC*
Sandy...removed from her chain by compassionate women *LINK* *PIC*
AAS knows that this illegal dog rescue goes on daily in BC *LINK*
Why do women steal dogs? The answer is clear
Bubba was sold by the BC SPCA.... *PIC*
My dad was one of these heroes *LINK*
I will never stop dognapping if I think a dog is in an unsafe, unhealthy environment
Updated videos
To all the people who rescue dogs, and do the best follow-up possible, a million thanks to you
I applaud the virtue and courage of the many brave people in BC and North America
Letter to the Altoona Mirror
Dogs Deserve Better board member quits *LINK*
There is a big, grouchy, arthritic German Shepherd laying on a big pillow in my living room...
I pray everyday for you and Doogie and all the Doogie's of the world
A Matter of Public Enthusiasm *LINK* *PIC*
I too have found myself compelled to take action to remove dogs
I wish more people would follow their gut instinct
Our big, goofy boy had spent many years penned beneath the deck of the house of his affluent owners
Sleep tight and warm Doogie
Grimes on Inside Edition September 19th
