Animal Advocates Watchdog

A common story in the Victoria area

It is so very heartbreaking that stories like Skeeter's are commonplace on reserves.

Here in Victoria, the Society I am with is asked to help regularily by people who find a dog like Skeeter who needs a collar removed from the neck surgically.

Unfortunately only one Society in the Province can actually go on to the Reserves to investigate the shocking cruelty that so far goes on unchecked.

The Prevention of Cruelty Act could be enforced more often (if it is enforced on Reserves at all, no one ever hears) but instead another generation of people will be raised not knowing that the way they are treating their dogs is not only not right BUT is actually cruel AND illegal.

Messages In This Thread

Looking for a real home! Skeeter was put outside as a tiny puppy on a rope and neglected until his collar grew into his neck *LINK* *PIC*
A common story in the Victoria area
The RCMP works with rescue groups
Reserve dogs sites
I too have witnessed the horror of chained dogs on the reserves
Punished for being born
United Auburn Indian Council partners with ASPCA
